40 posts

6 Ways to Beat the Fall Blues

Has anyone else noticed what happens this time of year? The leaves start to fall, the temperatures get cooler, the days get shorter … and then on top of it all, “they” change the time on us!! NO WONDER October 10 is World Mental Health Day…  This year, our American […]

What is Adlerian Coaching?

By now you all know that I am a life and business coach (specifically The Challenge Coach). But do you know the story of how I became a coach? I promise you it’s worth reading 😉 23 years ago I became a mom for the first time. I had been wanting […]

Bridging Two Worlds: Coaching and Psychodrama

Coaching and Psychodrama

As I’m sure most of you know by now, my purpose in this world is to support people in transforming their challenges into growth and success. This is just a snazzy way of saying that I help my clients get better at life challenges so they can lead happier and more productive […]

Do you need coaching?

When I am not coaching, facilitating, training or speaking, one of my latest hobbies is to be a podcast guest. As a coach, my job and most important task – one could even argue my main responsibility – is to ask questions and listen. Which, for an extravert […]

Back to Basics

My February newsletter was supposed to talk about Love. But if you read it, you know that something personal and worrisome was going on so I ended up discussing how, when we are pre-occupied and in emotional reactivity, we can’t at the same time be functioning at peek brain capacity. […]

To Be or Not To Be

I’ve spent days agonizing in front of the proverbial blank page trying to write this month’s newsletter. There has been something personal and concerning going on that’s consumed me somewhat – and I just couldn’t get the words out of me and onto this page.  Then this morning, it hit me: there’s only so much […]

New Year…New Resolutions?

“Here’s to a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; Here’s to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.” I imagine some of you going: “FOND memories?! Are you kidding me?!!!!” No, in fact, I am not: if you think back on this past year, I bet that […]

Thanksgiving and Gratitude

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings […]

Gremlins, Saboteurs & NVC

In the United States (and now also in other countries!), the month of October is synonymous with the feast of Halloween. What comes up for you when you think of Halloween? For me, it’s many fond memories of celebrating with my children when they were little: excitedly […]

Keep Calm and Carry On

You may be wondering why you haven’t heard from me since my last newsletter on May 27. Before I explain, I want to remind you of this. I became The Challenge Coach because I have been, and still am, a challenged human. Life throws us challenges when we very least […]

The Five Gyms of Happiness

You might remember that last month’s newsletter topic was supposed to be HAPPINESS because March 20th was the “International Day of Happiness”. However it was also my late husband’s (Steve), 10th death anniversary, so GRIEF became our topic instead. Now I’m […]

Mindfulness & My Mama Jar

When my first born left for college, she gave me the most magical parting gift: a jar filled with 180 little handwritten notes, one for each day that she was going to be gone for her first semester. These small love notes that my daughter wrote me act as inspirational […]

Happy New Year!

Dear Clients, Colleagues, Associates, Friends and Family, Happy New Year! Bonne année! Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! It is now commonplace to say that 2020 was a challenging year for all of us. There isn’t a single person who hasn’t been affected by the pandemic, in one form or […]