Reflect on the questions provided to help you and rate each area from 1 to 10 (1 = not satisfied, 10 = very satisfied). Answer based on your current experience and feelings about each area. This self-assessment will help identify areas where you may benefit from focused support during a complementary sample session.

How do you feel about your current living situation, including: The physical space where you live (house, apartment, etc.)? The neighborhood or area you live in? The geographical location (town/country, ocean/mountain/flat, county/state/country)? The climate and weather? Commutes and accessibility?
Reflect on your current professional life, whether it’s a job, business, volunteer work, or studying: How fulfilled are you by the work you do? Does it align with your skills, passions, and interests? Do you feel supported and valued in your work? Is your current role or project helping you progress towards your professional goals?
Consider your overall financial situation, including income, expenses, savings, and debt: Are you financially secure and able to meet your needs comfortably? Do you have financial goals, and are you on track to meet them? Are you comfortable with your current level of debt or financial obligations? Do you have a plan for long-term financial stability?
Think about both your physical health and mental well-being: How is your current physical health and fitness level? Are you managing stress well? Are you taking care of your mental health through practices like mindfulness, therapy, or self-care? Do you feel balanced and energized in your day-to-day life?
Consider your relationships with family and friends (you may want to score each separately): Are you happy with the quality of your family relationships? Do you feel close, understood, and supported by your friends? Are these relationships mutually fulfilling and positive? Do you spend enough time with your family and friends?
Reflect on your intimate and romantic life Are you content with your current romantic relationships? Do you feel emotionally and physically connected to your partner(s)? Are there areas in your romantic life you’d like to improve? Do you have a fulfilling intimate life?
Reflect on your personal and spiritual development: Are you actively pursuing personal growth, such as learning new things or setting personal goals? Do you feel connected to a higher purpose or spiritual practice? Are you making time for self-reflection, meditation, or spiritual exploration? Are you proud of the progress you’re making on a personal level?
Think about the time you dedicate to hobbies, relaxation, and enjoyment: Are you satisfied with the amount of fun and relaxation in your life? Do you have hobbies or activities that bring you joy? Do you make time for play, travel, or spontaneous activities? Are you able to balance work and leisure effectively?
Click submit to schedule your free coaching results debrief session! By submitting this form you will receive an email with an invitation to join a complimentary, no-obligation and no-pressure, 60-minute coaching session to explore your results and collaboratively create a tailored plan to bring greater balance and satisfaction to your life. You’ll also join The Challenge Coach monthly newsletter, where you’ll receive actionable tips, expert advice, and exclusive discounts on coaching programs and products. You can unsubscribe anytime using the link at the bottom of the email.

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