Do you know heartbreak? Heartbreak, as I know it, is when: … you’re 7 years old and your heart shatters as your parents argue in the other room. They were supposed to be your safe harbor, your infallible anchor. They were supposed to be forever. … at 26, you pack […]
Last week, I posted something on LinkedIn that drew quite a lot of attention. That post was about the intense emotions many of us are experiencing in reaction to the political changes currently happening in the United States—anger, fear, despair—and how we can channel them into meaningful action. The response to the […]
As the snow falls gently outside my window, I find myself reflecting on the heartache I’ve been witnessing this past month: I’ve been spending time with someone I hold dear, someone who is navigating the stormy seas of grief. A year ago, they lost their life partner of 40 years, their […]
It’s that time of year again—the end-of-year holiday season. While this period is often marketed as one of joy, connection, and gratitude, let’s be real: it’s also a time when stress levels can soar. Between preparing for family gatherings and travel, managing expectations, and fitting everything into an already packed […]
I am sure you are aware … we just had a presidential election in the US. My candidate lost. This happens to at least one-third, if not one-half, of us voters in every American election – so nothing unusual there. But I am sure we’d all agree, no matter what […]
I am not an anxious person. I don’t have an anxious temperament. I don’t easily get afraid (except maybe when I am flying in a plane and there’s turbulence). I rarely panic. In addition, I have to say that I am very leery about labeling people “big words” because I […]
As a life coach, I’ve had the privilege of walking alongside people during some of their darkest moments. And while each client’s story is different, they all share one thing in common: a sense of being utterly overwhelmed by life. They often come to me in crisis mode, desperate for […]
In last month’s newsletter, we examined the topic of relationship conflicts through the lens of a couple’s issues. We walked alongside Judy and Rachel as they were navigating serious problems in their relationship following the birth of their third child. We discussed the fact that conflict is an inherent part […]
In one of my recent couple’s coaching sessions, Rachel and Judy came to me because they had been having more frequent and more serious arguments. Please note: Rachel and Judy are fictitious and composite characters for the purposes of confidentiality. They had an idea of where it might be coming from […]
Every species is programmed to grow, strive toward healthy adulthood, reproduce for the survival of the species before eventually dying. Humans are no exception. For most of history, average life expectancy for humans has stood around 30 years. During those thousands of years where 30 years-old was our expiration date, […]
By now a few of you know that I am a coach – mostly a life coach. As we discussed in our last newsletter, people come to coaching because the current state they find themselves in is not the ideal state they would like to be in. Coaching clients often […]
Sitting for days now in front of the proverbial “blank page” and wondering what the theme of my newsletter should be this month, all that’s coming up are my usual themes: life is hard, the world is in terrible shape, how do we cope and keep functioning in the face […]
I know, I know … it’s been a while since the last newsletter! Did you miss me? There is a good reason for this break, which I am guessing most of you reading this already know … But just in case, a small recap as an introduction to this blog […]
As the year is coming to an end, it is customary to do two things: take stock of what we are leaving behind, and celebrate the Holidays. I’d love to share a nifty tool with you, which I often use in my coaching and which is a fabulous and easy exercise […]
“If there’s one thing that I knowIt is the two shades of hopeOne, the enlightening soulAnd the other is more like a hangman’s ropeWell it’s true, you may reap what you sowBut note that despair is the all-time lowBaby, hope deals the hardest blows” Have you heard this song? It’s […]
The topic of this newsletter is purpose and meaning.I understand that it might seem tone-deaf to what’s going on in the world right now.I can assure you that I am not tone-deaf, and I do want to take a moment to take a stance for PEACE before we begin: I […]
Firstly, a note for the men. As the title of this blog post indicates, we will be talking to and about women in the lines ahead. You could therefore choose to move on without paying attention … Or, if you have women in your life that you care about, you […]
Summer is over … Bummer!! As you look back … Were you able to take some time off? Did you stay local or travel? How long were you gone for? Was it restful? Rejuvenating?? Today we’re discussing the importance of TIME OFF as a form of essential SELF CARE. In other words, […]
I’ve been “on the road” for a while, and it feels good to settle down for a minute and reconnect with you. I brought back a little “gift” in my suitcase from my latest trip: my very first case of Covid … Thankfully not too rough but not too smooth either. […]
The mind is restless, unsteady, hard to guard, hard to control. The wise one makes it straight, like a fletcher straightens an arrow.How good it is to rein the mind, Which is unruly, capricious, rushing wherever it pleases. The mind so harnessed will bring one happiness.Your worst enemy cannot harm […]